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[英文] 经典现代诗双语赏析:我和神的哀歌 [複製鏈接]

经典现代诗双语赏析:我和神的哀歌  我亲手烧掉全部候鸟的来信
! z2 v8 G& ^7 v  并看见秋天在刀尖上站了一个世纪6 P0 \. q( j- o$ i: t- J6 \6 f) I5 P, [
( V) X) \# t- z% r' n' P; V  世上的妇女纷纷在雪花里安家' f: \$ D! Y" z* @* l4 l* n
2 o, f! z4 w# A7 d1 l  @  隐蔽在女人心里的女人9 g0 n& H6 `1 I+ [4 B1 R
! `2 e8 k& h0 Q( L; x1 u  今夜我暗访大地的全部过程( }% k8 k9 g7 H
  听见了豹与少女的秘密; `& T9 G4 G* g9 ]1 h9 f6 W" b; ?% [5 j
  看见春天出生的人挤满天空的医院; H. Y( W) Z, c) E
3 D1 n9 V# l) W2 m% b' _) `5 U( B  心就像石头一样沉默
0 L% o) l) n' H1 u  m$ h: A! V  r  我弯腰捡起一块神圣的瓦片% B# N# D7 I" m; ~7 I" u
3 y# ?8 j, `6 Q- L% v# I  一群黑衣修女像音乐涌向他乡; ], p' ?( k5 U( Q9 @3 T' k
+ W1 N& S# ]* j: o/ w! e  我诚实地看着流逝的万物
* m1 U$ G" x) w: D+ S  等待飘雪向漫天飞舞的疾病前来找我
: l; [! Z+ E+ ]' N% t  这是一个肤浅的年代9 h1 h; l7 X1 u0 T
  没有弃儿沿着祖父的铁轨向前爬行3 p* \( g+ e7 L# R: L& v+ V
  这是一个吞噬的日子& Z5 F8 F/ k- u/ h
/ v' S) T# ^& o) W  大地上发生的一切令人伤心& ~0 F( z/ N$ H; p2 }* _6 P( L5 p
  我在音乐中以泪洗面3 f% V  {% O! b+ k& a+ t
  J2 Z# }0 T7 a0 o( V% E- v& C, w  而是我孤独$ v& M, s% r# n# r$ M
  Requiem for Me and God* B" c4 A4 u! c; v: f
  With my own hands I burned all letters from migratory birds
! v( y$ Z1 @3 z+ ?0 w% M  And I watched autumn standing for a century on the tip of a knife
) o1 m% c& M8 Q' [  J  After the good earth disfigured its face, then it ruined its own heart; r0 \" c0 z- ?4 T
  Women of our time are flurrying to make their homes in snowflakes
: F, H  K+ T* S  Z$ J  p  Their fall to earth is unexpected* M9 ~& H& ?" R$ \) n+ W
  The woman hiding in the heart of a woman: N5 x2 [* x( g% }- ]! S2 b2 C
  Is forever suffering hurt and also floating
# a, l  B& I1 a1 B1 [: f, n% _" m  This night my secret survey of the good earth, the whole process5 _) z/ L  I& l  A- M1 ^/ L/ k! H
  Hears the secret between a young woman and a panther0 m! C  C$ L% t" V
  Sees people born in springtime crowding the hospital of the sky' n# W) m% h3 E( O
  I observe the floating snow of this era+ x. n+ ^9 m* d% A( A9 l
  My heart as silent as a stone% D: C- }; h/ b
  I bend my waist to pick up a fragment of holy tile  N/ C; [  A& G' t
  After rubbing it with my sleeve, I see human traces streak across boulders
3 |+ d2 @  @. o; W  A group of black-robed nuns stream like music toward other towns
% M0 a2 ]) v+ y1 V8 [3 V' L2 z  Another group of monks and hermits, almost never seen
8 l- _' l/ J4 c, Y  I wait and watch these evanescent objects; C6 e# B$ Y1 A3 o8 S
  Until snowfall comes looking for me, like a skyful of fluttering disease
) n3 M1 Q. ^( r7 v+ L/ f" d1 k  This is a superficial age; d6 Q/ h6 B% ~
  Abandoned infants do not crawl along the rails of their grandfathers, P) [+ c8 w4 Y0 g0 n- a$ B* w
  This age is ravenous to swallow everything- h) |' Z! G! @1 J# [/ x
  Machines damage the brain cells of human beings) t* p7 x8 Z  m7 k1 f6 o
  What has happened on the good earth is a wound in people's hearts1 d8 S2 a8 K! c4 e
  Within music, I use tears to wash my face! V$ j8 y- h% \9 w' t. b% s
  This is not a matter of my sins4 R' a/ D  B" x* w9 ~9 E, [! v: h
  It is my solitude5 |: S, w/ e7 k+ ?, }9 W
. `; r9 o% `- ~. t- Q
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