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. |6 p( R6 R) m( G/ k5 g( S. Y# i7 Y2 z. M, C
Title: Fancy Massage Salon0 T# C! E; \' p/ W+ l8 G0 `" \) Z8 b" K4 T
Genre: Erotic, Drama
5 k( [- j, `' gRelease Date: 2014
5 q8 W) E6 Q; {# F% p- D; a. ODirector: Yamagami Kaworu
2 g7 v  D+ |, l: ^9 P' WCountry: Japan
8 z% }0 ]0 P- u5 W1 \% qLanguage: Japanese6 M6 S8 s# s& {$ w: Q5 n
Subtitles: Korean  l0 ~2 W! |7 g& ^" M/ `
bud / Nakatake million / Takemoto Futoshi / Sugawara Takashi3 S: J# B. f4 h+ m
Plot:; J' S% n/ L# G- U7 t! p
Kadomatsu Satomi (bud) is ordinary housewife who lives with her husband Yuji of salaried workers. One day, I applied a voice to Yasuda that the recruitment of esthetician in the street.
# ?, t! Z/ {8 s7 z/ {& wBud that was the beauty of the work prior to marriage, was supposed to be working as a part-staff in front of the station shop “Parfums”.6 Q: ]" x8 f( t. u8 o7 I
In the prior explanation of Yasuda owners, but was that women-only shops, for management, recently learned that have accepted also male clients, Satomi puzzles.) T7 {" d+ Z& n8 k" @* \. _9 ?
The Satomi that can not be otherwise noted, was supposed to be the Okada of treatment for the first time with the male clients.
# J. E7 ^0 O1 K! e  U& ~6 W2 \9 IOkada is not naive student of women experience, rigid is part a massage of Satomi, had blushed ….
" w% y, y/ ~  c' D$ J6 a$ d: ~9 n0 D2 n
9 k4 k  |% f% b
9 o# ?; W( B% `; Q- ^6 a

5 b2 M* Y% e; A& T
3 t8 Q- ~+ c/ U+ _% ~下载地址
% ]# f7 T( Q" n" S, l
% d$ y% d2 c4 W! a" yhttp://www.xunniufxpan.com/file-4851740.html
) s. S7 s" g. Y( U& P5 L3 g
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